Depot Gallery Exhibition

HyperFusion: The Event Horizon of Consumption

Artist: Kyle Karrasch
Exhibit Dates:  July 6-27, 2024
Exhibit Description:

In the cosmic ballet where stars and a black hole perform their celestial dance, a peculiar and ominous phenomenon takes center stage – HyperFusion: The Event Horizon of Consumption. At the heart of this artistic exploration lies the concept of garbage transcending its terrestrial origins to become a hyper object, a colossal entity forged by the collective waste of our civilization.

Picture in our solar system, where a massive object acts as a cosmic conduit, drawing in not only matter and light but also the waste humanity produces. This black hole, a gravitational epicenter, becomes a hyper object, a manifestation of our ceaseless consumption and disposal, transcending the boundaries of time and space.

Around the event horizon, a mesmerizing vortex of discarded remnants orbits in a perpetual dance of disintegration and assimilation. Objects of daily use merge into a swirling tapestry of waste that defies conventional understanding. The garbage, now part of the hyper object, takes on a surreal and ghostly glow as it approaches the event horizon. This cosmic garbage patch, illuminated by distortions of spacetime, becomes a haunting representation of the consequences of rampant consumption and irresponsible waste disposal practices.

As viewers engage with HyperFusion, they are confronted with the realization that the black hole, once a symbol of cosmic mystery, has evolved into a harbinger of our collective impact. The hyper object transcends the boundaries of individual responsibility, weaving together the countless remnants of our waste into an inescapable gravitational embrace.

This artistic concept challenges us to reflect on the notion of hyper objects and the profound interconnectedness of our actions. It invites contemplation on the enduring legacy of our throwaway culture and the potential consequences of transforming our planet into a repository for the remnants of our insatiable consumption.

HyperFusion: The Event Horizon of Consumption beckons viewers to question our relationship with waste, both terrestrial and cosmic, and to consider the far-reaching implications of our collective actions on our lives and generations to come. The artwork serves as a cautionary tale, urging us to rethink our role as stewards of our world and advocates for responsible consumption on a planetary scale.

Artist Bio:
Born in Reno, Nevada Kyle developed artistic abilities at a young age. After graduating high school Kyle left for the Academy of Art in San Francisco with hopes of becoming a professional illustrator. Not long into the academy, he discovered his passion for sculpture. Kyle left the Academy of Fine Arts in pursuit of a higher understanding of art theory. He enrolled in the Fine Arts program at the University of Nevada, Reno graduating in 2018 with a Bachelor of Arts and a minor in art history. Kyle would then go on to pursue a Master in Fine Art degree which he received in 2022 from the University of Nevada, Reno. Kyle is currently working as the Galleries Curator at Truckee Meadows Community College and teaches at both the University of Nevada, Reno and Truckee Meadows Community College. He also continues in his art practice in creating sculptural works that intend to provoke commentary on consumption and environmental conservation. His work has been on display throughout the Reno and the Carson City area as well as the Keck Museum.
Artist Reception:
Saturday, July 20th • 1:00pm – 4:00pm
Depot Gallery • 831 Victorian Avenue, Sparks

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Office & Riverside gallery

Sierra Arts Foundation
17 S. Virginia St. Suite 120
Reno, NV 89501

(775) 329-2787

Riverside Gallery Hours

Tuesday – Friday:                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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