0712 • Life Drawing Class

Life Drawing
Instructor: Paulette Gill
Ages: Adults 18+
Time:  9:00 AM – 12:00PM
Day(s): Wednesday
Date(s): July 12, 2023
Member Fee: $25
General Fee: $35
Location: Sierra Arts Academy • 1995 Dickerson Rd, Reno
Class Description:
Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn. Students will experiment with various drawing materials and processes to create bot accurate and creative representational works.
Instructor Paulette Gill is an artist, art therapist, focuses on the figure, the human condition, and the interaction of the inner and outer environment. Her work is multimedia going from one to another mixing them up as a subject dictate, exploring the human condition in watercolor, oil pastels, fabric, paper mache, mix media, and felt. For more information about Paulette, click here: Artist Bio

Materials:  The following are suggested basic supplies. All media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using.

  • Drawing board: 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
  • Newsprint pad:  18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
  • Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
  • Medium and Support Items:
  • Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
  • Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint
  • Large kneaded eraser
  • Pink pearl eraser
  • Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
  • Clean small rags
  • Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
  • Stumps for blending (optional)

Nevada’s premier arts organization & resource center.

In 1987 Sierra Arts Foundation began awarding grants to artists of all disciplines living within a 100-mile radius.