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Arthur Bryce Chisholm is an artist born in the Biggest Little City in the World, Reno, Nevada. Bryce graduated from Earl Wooster High School and then continued his education at Truckee Meadows Community College and the University of Nevada, Reno. Under the guidance of Michael Sarich, this is when his art really began to grow and develop into his own style. Exploring many subjects from history, elements of propaganda and nostalgia play a prominent role in his work. Bryce has always had a fond liking for undervalued beauty and finding the best parts of a dirty city has led to his love of graffiti and street art. Coming upon a beautiful mural in a grungy alley always leaves a good impression on him. The message graffiti can get across is very powerful to Bryce and inspires him to push his art, in ways that portray real human emotions with a raw street feeling. Bryce has painted in nearly every medium there is from oil, acrylic, water color, spray paint and basically anything he can get his hands on. He likes to paint… a lot, and he will do it on just about any surface he can get ahold of. Stencils have been Bryce’s passion for the several years, but he always remembers that they are just one of many tools used to get his desired results. Designing and cutting out a stencil is a long, finger wrenching process that is so rewarding in the end. Using stencils, spray paint, and acrylic to create intricate paintings with vibrant colors is what he likes to do. Mixing many styles into a single painting is what really propels and takes his paintings to the next level. Turning that street feeling into a colorful unique canvas that incorporates traditional and new school methods brings great enjoyment to Bryce. And the paintings will hopefully leave the viewer with a new appreciation of the parts of their city environment they see on a daily basis.
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Office & Riverside gallery

Sierra Arts Foundation
17 S. Virginia St. Suite 120
Reno, NV 89501

(775) 329-2787

Riverside Gallery Hours

Tuesday – Friday:                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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