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A New Englander raised on the Connecticut shoreline, I started taking photos in the saltwater marshes when my parents gave me a Canon SLR for my 21st birthday. I carried a camera with me throughout my career(s) as a minerals exploration geologist and reclamation specialist, but until recently never had time to really explore the passion. Most of my work-related photography over the years has been to document. Now and then I would come across a subject or a detail that I wanted to capture and bring to the forefront. Light and texture draw my attention the most – as with anyone with the photography “bug…” I moved to Reno in 1989 with my wife and two daughters, having lived and worked in Alaska, New England, the southeastern US and Egypt. Since then, I have spent much of my time working in either the Mojave desert region of southern California or the high sagebrush deserts of western Wyoming, with a stint in the upland savanna jungle region of eastern Bolivia as well. As we used to camp every year in Death Valley for President’s Day weekend, I grew to appreciate the eastern Sierra front and the basin and range transition region of Nevada, Death Valley and the southwestern deserts. I still try to get out for wildflower season in the early spring. Having spent a career in the outdoors, I am evermore convinced that the beauty found in the creation reflects the glory of the Creator. My hope is that others will see this also reflected in my photographs.
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Office & Riverside gallery

Sierra Arts Foundation
17 S. Virginia St. Suite 120
Reno, NV 89501

(775) 329-2787

Riverside Gallery Hours

Tuesday – Friday:                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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