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Morrain is a mixed media artist currently living and working in Reno, Nevada. She was born under an almond tree in Honeydew, California, and spent her childhood in landscapes adjacent to mountain lion dens and fault lines. These places and experiences continue to inform her work as an artist.
 She received her B.F.A. from Sierra Nevada College with a concentration in Interdisciplinary Arts. Since graduating, she has participated in the La Wayaka Current artist residency, located in the indigenous village of Armila in the Guna Yala region of Panama. She's received many awards including the Perspectives on Design (P.O.D.) Award. As a P.O.D. award recipient, Morrain received a stipend of $2,500.00, which supported the body of work showcased in her solo exhibition, Tortuga, in 2017. She continues her art practice and shows in both local and national exhibitions.
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Office & Riverside gallery

Sierra Arts Foundation
17 S. Virginia St. Suite 120
Reno, NV 89501

(775) 329-2787

Riverside Gallery Hours

Tuesday – Friday:                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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