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A native of Los Angeles, Elaine received her MFA from California Sate University, Los Angeles in 1999. Feeling the need to have a very different life experience, she relocated to extreme rural Nevada, where the sparse landscape’s elusive beauty shaped her ideas about the human relationship to the environment. During a decade in Nevada, she exhibited at the Nevada Museum of Art, Reno, Oats Park Gallery, Fallon, Barrick Museum, Las Vegas, and Sierra Arts and Holland Project, Reno. Elaine taught for seven years at Great Basin College and twice received the prestigious Fellowship Award from the Nevada Arts Council. Elaine returned to Los Angeles to care for elder parents, in 2009. While in LA, she showed locally with Antebellum Gallery, NewTown Pasadena, Angel’s Gate Cultural Center and LA Artcore. In 2010, Elaine curated a pop-up exhibition with 24 artists, music and performance events called pLAyLAnd. Nationally and internationally, Elaine participated in LA Contraventions in Germany and Cryptographics: a tribute to the Voynich Manuscript at the EXPO Chicago, and, online is part of Telephone: An International Arts Experiment, presented by the Satellite Collective. Elaine designed sets and costumes for Cabaret Revoltaire: 100 Years of Dada, a performance event at ArtShareLA. Now mostly in Nevada, Elaine is thrilled to be back in her spiritual home.
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Jovan Roscom

Hi, my name's Jovan. Been living in Reno NV since 2004. Started my creative journey back in 3rd grade. Today my passions are videography, photography

zoe bray

I am a painter specialized in realist portraiture and in illustration.
I trained in traditional techniques of drawing, painting and sculpture, and taught

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Office & Riverside gallery

Sierra Arts Foundation
17 S. Virginia St. Suite 120
Reno, NV 89501

(775) 329-2787

Riverside Gallery Hours

Tuesday – Friday:                 10:00 am – 4:00 pm
Saturday: 12:00 pm – 4:00 pm

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